Monday, February 24, 2014

Being Human

What is LOVE but Little Over Valued Events... what is HATE but Having All Traits Evaluated...

But just the same, the difference in the similarity of both words may be but a mere poetic justification, but can LOVE not mean Having All Traits Evaluated... and HATE not mean Little Over Valued Events...

To put things in perspective, we are shallow beings we humans, valuing relationships in degrees of like and dislike forgetting that we are here for a season. Just a mere season, we may choose to love, or hate and forget that at the end of it all, we may waltz off earth... or be dragged off earth at a time we may not know. Why spent hours living a lie formulated by your mind to make you feel better about yourself or... make you feel better about you hurting someone else.

We are fickle shallow beings to be honest... we crave Invisibility, Respect, Recognition, Wealth... need i say more.... We forget to give... share... help... because that that we crave is in our nature. We doubt more than we trust. Even the good Lord did doubt once.. are we any different.

Realizing where we stand as a race may be the best way to face our nature. Realize where you stand. Realize your situation in relation to your neighbour, your friend... your foe... Make A Decision. Decide Who you are, Where you are and where you would like to be, What you are and what you would like to be., Why you would maintain or change your stand, When you would change your stand and, How you would do it.

Make life simple, better yourself and see those around you change for the better.
