Wednesday, March 22, 2017

I Read Today

I wore my blue, grey and white socks then took a moment away from simply existing to take on the words of another. I found perfection between the pages of an old book... I found the smell of it satisfying. Craftily guiding my thought, slipping me into a world like no other.
I wore a smile on my face yet a tear flew down my cheek. I could say it was the book... Maybe... But lately I have been feeling a little more emotional that usual.
I learnt a new word today. A word I knew but never thought about long enough to make sense of it. The word came at me boldly; marking its presence like a tattoo on my self. I am changed. For beyond this moment... Beyond this realization is a being grafted by the another.
I felt a pain today. It was swift, to the side of my right temple. To the side where I swear some thing vital lies. I drowned it in a 330ML 5.5% ALC/VOL tonic and took a brief nap that led me back to what I escaped when I accepted the slumber.
I took a walk to the unknown... Felt myself giving in to the arms of another, felt the purest of love I have ever. Felt the lose of a bond only to find more beyond the corner.
I woke to shuffling pages, the wind working the pages of my book. Just for fun, I read a word and found the word I learned today... Again. I am reminded of words I said once. Today, I learned the true meaning of the world PROMISE.

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