Stepping back a little, in 2016 the government implemented an increased tax rate on cosmetics in Kenya... That means that a lipstick stick would cost a little more than the usual rip off.
I feel nothing for this. I spend about 100 Kenya Shillings on cosmetics every month so needless to say this does not move me that much, I feel sorry for my cake makeup buddies. Poleni.
A survey done in 2014 placed Kenya among the country whose women spend the most on appearance alone. This list included South Africa and Nigeria. So the tax increase is not so shocking... I get it, that's the perfect money cow. Collect your mula from the cash money dadas out there.
I didn't mind all this until one fateful afternoon (A little TMI...) I went to buy some tampons, which normally cost a pretty penny and was shocked to find the price has gone up, considerably. I have a strict monthly budget for my moons and you can understand my shock when I go to the local chemist with my usual list and mula to find that the price of tampons has gone up. This new price does not sit well with me so I feel compelled to ask the lassie behind the counter what gives, and she says a tax increase was imposed on cosmetics.
Needless to say, I look at her like she fell from mars, complete with the horns and marked skin. I ask her, "What cosmetics? tampons?!"
And she is like yeah. I almost punched her.
Am like "WHERE?!" So GOK... I thought that maybe its a linguistic difficulty issue. I get it, Kizungu ilikuja na meli. I went searching and here is what I found. This is the meaning of the word Cosmetic;
Plural; cosmetics. A preparation, such as powder or a skin cream, designed to beautify the body by direct application.
2. Something superficial that is used to cover a deficiency or defect.
1. Serving to beautify the body, especially the face and hair.
2. Serving to modify or improve the appearance of a bodily feature, defect, or irregularity: cosmetic therapy.
3. a. Decorative rather than functional: cosmetic fenders on cars.
b. Lacking depth or significance; superficial: made a few cosmetic changes when she took over the company.
According to a Dictionary app that's free called The Free Dictionary by Farlex. (It's free...)
So where do you see tampon being classified as a cosmetic?! I went ahead and got the meaning of a tampon just so that we can clear come of this misunderstanding...
Tampon; A plug of absorbent material inserted into a body cavity or wound to stop a flow of blood or to absorb secretions, especially one designed for insertion into the vagina during menstruation.
The way I read this BS is that periods are optional and we ladies can pick what accessories to look good in during this very interesting period of the month.
I have to say being a woman in this Century in this country is really something to live up to... Psych!
Its election year. For the sake of all Kenyan women, please be considerate. We don't select when to have our moons, so try... If you may to put yourselves in the shoes of any woman. Your daughter, your mother, your friend. GOK... See beyond money.
Further more. A campagne for free pads and tampons should be initiated. While we give free condoms to our children in schools we deny the same children conform of clean and sanitary menses. What kind of parents guardians and leaders are we. Who does this?
In the light of our children, if we think to lower the age of consensual sex to sixteen, but leave the age for legal marriage at eighteen, are we saying yes to predators who pry on our children? Are we giving these monsters leeway to go after out kids?
Am a little pissed. I know you can tell, its just the incongruence of the systems that run this country. The systems that exist are seriously flawed. We need a change.
Vote for what's proper this year. Vote for every Kenyan and not a certain group of selected few.
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