Aliens coming to take over earth... run for your life, urrrgggGGG!
On the topic of aliens... it is ALWAYS SAID that they will come (if they are not here already). We live waiting for them to come, and in every tale told, they come and they are the bad guys because they have come to inhabit our planet because for some reason their planet is dying, or their sun is dying or their moon is falling on their 'earth', or some their-God-forsaken apocalypse is starting and i am always wondering why is it that their sun dies first, kwani what makes theirs die faster that ours, if they are as advanced a race as we think they are then should they not have fixed the problem with their universe before they choose to run off to another whole universe. Make sense?
The way i see it the human species is as damn as it gets, we know that we destroy the universe more and more every day by doing all that we do on a daily basis (i won't get into details, you know what you do...) and we go on, even our brightest of brains seem not to care so much, they believe that you can destroy the environment to a degree.
BIG BRAINED SCIENTIST: (Use a deep stupid buffoon voice while reading this part) I am a big brained scientist... OH... and i drive a very fast LOADSA fuel consuming car... but recycle ma plastic bottles, and then a while later realize that reusing some plastics will give me cancer, so scrap that all together.
Wow, its like dealing with Pinocchio during his lying phase. Any way, what i needed to say, i have said. Know where you stand. Do not sit on the god-damned fence. Oh and when the aliens come if they aint already here we will send then back ki-transformers.
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